
The onion plant has an enthusiast of empty, somewhat blue green leaves and its bulb at the base of the plant starts to expand when a specific day-length is reached. The bulbs are made out of abbreviated, compacted, underground stems encompassed by meaty adjusted scale that wrap a focal bud at the tip of the stem. In the harvest time the foliage subsides and the external layers of the bulb become dry and fragile. The yield is gathered and dried and the onions are prepared for use or capacity. The yield is inclined to assault by various vermin and ailments, especially the onion fly, the onion eelworm, and different organisms cause spoiling.

Onions are developed and utilized the world over. As a food thing, they are typically served cooked, as a vegetable or part of a readied flavorful dish, yet can likewise be eaten crude or used to make pickles or chutneys. They are sharp when slashed and contain certain compound substances which aggravate the eyes.

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